Dramatic License

A weblog of thoughts, inspirations, experiences of, in and about live theatre, film, television, literature and other media.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Publishing Announcement

The Jovialities Entertainment Co., Ltd. has launched a new publishing initiative. In conjunction with Barnes and Noble, using PubIt!, Jovialities has begun publishing scripts for reading on Nook eBook readers or on Nook for PC.

As its first offerings, Jovialities has published 3 plays by poet and playwright, J. R. Simons. You can find the award-winning plays Siblings and Protest along with And "G" Don't Stand for Goofy, Neither at www.barnesandnoble.com under NOOKbooks or by directly linking to the following pages:

And "G" Don't Stand for Goofy, Neither



Watch here for future announcements!